Cultural Tourism among the Tai Ahom Community in Jokai , Dibrugarh,Assam,India

I would like to invite you to visit my beloved homeland ,which is the North Eastern region of India.Covering an area which encompasses the Himalayan Foothills,the fertile plains of the river Brahmaputra and its tributaries , the latitudinal location contributing in creating the lush rain forests , the region boasts of a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna.
        As I take you to our land and gradually raise the curtains to help you catch a glimpse of the cultural resources , I feel you will truly enjoy the myriad colours of culture and tradition enriching the lives of the different communities residing here.
       My desire is to acqaint you with these interesting cultural tourism experiences of our communities ---the Tai Ahom,Kachari,Moran,Motok,Mishing,Deori,Tai Phake,Tai Khampti,Tai Aiton,Tai Turung,Singpho,Bodo,Khasi,Karbi,Garo,Mizo,Manipuri,Naga ,Tripuri, Arunachalis ,etc.
       These communities have been living together for hundreds of years .
      At this point mention needs to be made of a father figure by the name of Choulung Siukapha ,who arrived at this region from Moung Mao Lung or present day Yunnan in South China and played a tremendous role in bringing together all the communities . At a time when there were no telephones,internet or mobiles , how could this Tai Prince spread the message of love,goodwill,harmony and understanding for all? These are aspects which need deep reflection to help us to understand the different facets of Human civilization. This brings to mind a sentence from John K.Fairbank's book ,East Asia(History of China and Japan), '....For the humanist interested in art,literature,philosophy and religion,the ancient societies of China,Japan,Korea and Vietnam hold a mirror up to Western culture'.
     The young Tai Prince perhaps carried within him this profound philosophy of Humanism.
       Today I would like to take you to an Ahom village where interestingly I am working to help the people identify and understand their cultural resources and high light them for cultural tourism.
      Very interestingly ,this is what they always do ,it is ingrained in their personalities,character ,way of life and I am merely a humble facilitator showing them a way.
      The village Jokai Konwar Gaon is located at a distance of about 15 kms from Dibrugarh township in Upper Assam and is special for the Natural Reserve existing there,the rivers Dihing and Sessa flowing by inundating its banks with rich silt which helps in the cultivation of lush crops.
    As we alight at the village we are greeted by the sound of drums ,flutes and the welcome songs of the community folk with the traditional Bihu , eager to carry us to their beloved village.Without our knowing we begin moving our body to the rhythms of the traditional music.
      Hereafter we will be taken to their community hall where in we will be offered a traditional tea with ' jolpan'(cereals made from rice grains ), curd,milk,jaggery, snacks made from rice flour ,snacks made with coconut and sesame powder and rounded up with fruits.
      Let us begin our cultural tour by visiting the Chou Cheng Ren ( the Tai place of worship ) and the Namghar ( the Assamese place of worship). In addition ,every Ahom house has their sacred and private place of worship of their ancestors. Ancestor worship was the religion of the Tai Ahoms . However in the course of the years the Ahoms have embraced Hindu Gods and goddesses and both worships coexist in the society.It is very interesting to observe how mankind tend to adjust to their situation .In this case ,they had carried Ancestor worship from their parent land and it has become an inextricable part of their lives.Further ,they have blended the Vaishnava concept of worship in India.
     Following this , let us take a look at the traditional occupations which are primarily rice cultivation,weaving ,rearing of the muga and eri silk worm,piggery, bamboo work ,preparation of the traditional wine etc.
 We begin with moving to a few experts houses of weavers. In the traditional loom every woman would be busy ,snatching time from their daily household chores to find time to weave a few yards of their dream passion.Hereafter we move on to observe another  very interesting traditional activity,  the brewing of the heavenly liqour,soothening our nerves and spirits. Since this liquor is offered to the ancestors,it is prepared with great care from steamed rice. The herbs used for making the yeast are very beneficial for health. The pure ,ditilled rice beer has the taste of honey and is called ' juice for the gods'.
    Tasting the delightful drink with fish / meat/ eggs or vegetables let us land at the house which has prepared our afternoon meal.
     The women folk had been busy picking up as many herbs as possible to lay before their guests an assortment of organic food,fresh from their fields.
    The meal would consist of steamed sticky rice , boiled rice,local pork/ chicken prepared with vegetables fresh from the gardens ,purely organic , tickling our taste buds with its freshness and purity.

    We recline for a short rest till late evening and get ready for an evening stroll among the greenery below the blue skies ,enjoying the sight of the birds and cattle coming home.
    We gather in the Community Hall for a tete a tete with the village folk , supplemented by light music and dance. Hereafter we move to our respective homestays.
   On the next morning ,we wake up early for a stroll in the neighbouring reserve where we can for a moment become one with nature as the forest wakes up to another morning.
    The purity in the air,the greenery around ,the music of the forest make us enchanted and like Wordsworth we can imprint the moment in our hearts for eternity.
   We arrive at the village , freshen up and partake of a sumptuous breakfast .
    We bid farewell to these men and women who had made a day of our lives memorable by virtue of their  simplicity,warmth and hospitality.

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How could the Tai Ahoms build a prosperous Kingdom --a few insights.

In my second blog I have taken you to Sivasagar , our royal capital and we had visited the seven storied palaces with underground tunnels, ...
